Small Charities Week
Category : Events
June 18th – June 23rd is Small Charities Week – an opportunity to raise awareness about small charities and the impact they are having. One of the ways in which you can support us during this week is to help us in entering the Social Media competitions being run by the Small Charities Week organisers. All that is required is for you to post a picture of yourself holding a poster that says “I love Emily Harris Foundation because….” and the reasons you love us! This can be posted to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Instructions on where to post and what to put are here:
The Twitter Competition:
Tweet your photo message, making sure you include @EmHFoundation and
the #ILoveSmallCharities hashtag. You must also mention @SCWeek18 in your tweet so all of
our entries are acknowledged and counted.
If you haven’t got a camera you can simply tweet your message of love in less than 280
characters making sure you include @EmHFoundation, @SCWeek18 and the
#ILoveSmallCharities hashtag
The Facebook Competition:
Post your photo message to the Small Charity Week Facebook wall, making sure you include
Emily Harris Foundation and the #ILoveSmallCharities hashtag.
If you haven’t got a camera you can simply post your message of love to our wall making
sure you include Emily Harris Foundation and the #ILoveSmallCharities hashtag.
The Instagram Competition:
Post your photo message to your Instagram account, making sure you tag Emily Harris Foundation and use the #ILoveSmallCharities hashtag. You must also tag @SCWeek18 in your photo so all of our entries are acknowledged and counted.
If you prefer, you can take a photograph and send it to Emily Harris Foundation either via email ( or via Facebook asking us to post it on any or all of the Social Media forums for you!
You can download a template for the poster here!
The charity with the most unique posts at the end of the week will win £150 in each of the competitions!
So, get downloading, writing your reasons for loving us, smile, photograph and post!!!